Oct 4, 2021Liked by Noah Smith

This may not apply to all care professions, but caregivers for the disabled are dramatically underfunded right now, to the point that many people simply can't get the services they need to live independently.


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Odd that the bill does nothing to address big problems #2, 3, & 4. Its almost like DC just doesn’t care.

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"In the real world, people generally prefer salaries to government checks" is it that people don't like government checks, or they don't like their neighbors to get government checks, or both?

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Two thoughts:

1) Does anyone have a view of why large employers don’t provide on site childcare and even in some cases housing for younger employees (dorm style)? Would be a lot more efficient than paying for it with after tax dollars and the economies of scale would be there. I am sure many people would gladly accept the commensurate reduction in compensation. As for housing I am thinking of banks in NYC - surely it’s easier for Bank of America to fight nimbyism by building its own residential dorm for 22 year olds - and what a great retention tool!

Second. I wonder to what extent the rising stress and insecurity comes from better productivity measurement tools. I feel that a decent amount of job precarity comes from being constantly measured and feeling that your “belonging” is highly conditional. Imagine a world without constant 360 reviews, bottom 10% firings, etc. even if in reality it may not be a big impact, psychologically it may well feel differently.

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I don’t get the idea of Medicare negotiating drug prices. Negotiating a price assumes the seller can refuse any offer. Is the government really going to allow a company to withhold its drug if it doesn’t like the offer? If not, then the government is not negotiating, it is dictating.

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All political lives, unless they are cut off in midstream at a happy juncture, end in failure, because that is the nature of politics and of human affairs.

-- Enoch Powell

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Unless there is something in the bill you don’t like, don’t ruin your happiness over what you don’t get, but be glad for what you do get.

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I'm going to push back very strongly against the idea that paid family/parental leave should be lumped in with care jobs, rather than investment. It's a way to increase labor force participation, especially female labor force participation, across the board. It's an absolute travesty that we don't have it already.

A lot of human capital is lost when parents (usually mothers) drop out of the labor force to care for young children, and find themselves on a lower career trajectory for life as a consequence. As long as it's a matter of personal choice, that's fine, but when that choice is forced on people because of a lack of paid parental leave, it's much less fine.

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Removed (Banned)Oct 4, 2021
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